5 Ways To Figure Out If Someone Is Lying To You
Lying is a habit that the Bible abhors. The Bible tells of many incidents where liars were severely punished. Take...
Divorcée Share 20 Things She Claims Will Kill Your Marriage
We’ve been blessed with wisdom and good traits such as compassion, love, and togetherness by our good Lord. It is...
5 Photos That Will Make Most People Uncomfortable
When we learn to laugh at the silly things in life we can acknowledge the greatness of God. God blessed...
5 Of The Cutest Animal Pictures Taken At Exactly The Right Moment
Every creation of God is perfect. We realize this every time we spend time in nature and see trees, birds,...
5 Signs That Are So Confusing, They’re Hilarious
Some signs come straight from God; they remind us of His constant presence in our lives. When we stop for...
5 Hilarious Cat Photos That Are Guaranteed To Make Your Day Better
Every living creature is a beautiful creation of God. From the tiniest insect to the great big blue whale, every...
8 Adorable Dogs To Help You Celebrate National Puppy Day
God is an amazing creator! He has filled this earth with creatures big and small, and our personal favorite animal...
5 Pictures Taken At Exactly The Right Moment
There is beauty around us everywhere we look. Our almighty God has created for us a world of plenty that...
Nurse Reveals The Top 5 Regrets She Hears From Dying Patients
A nurse has recently written a book where she has recorded the most common regrets of the dying. Everyone has...
5 Ways Drinking Diet Soda Changes Your Body
We all know that soda is not the healthiest beverage option we have to choose from. But, if a soda...
Exterminator Reveals Best Natural Home Remedies To Keep Ants Away
As we are God’s favorite creations, he has given us powerful brains that we can use at our disposal.These brains...
5 Tips To Free Up Space On Your iPhone
Technology is great, and it has come so far in just the past couple of years! The invention of the iPhone...