Teen Is Declared ‘Brain Dead,’ Leaves Doctors Scratching Their Heads After Miraculous Recovery
God is our healer and we need to trust in him to take care of us. One teen who was...
Woman Hears Sirens And Prays That Whoever Is Hurt Will Be Ok, Hours Later Finds Out It’s Her Brother
We are often pushed into situations we least expect. At such times a prayer goes a long way in restoring...
Baby Born At 24-Weeks Had Feet The Size Of Pennies And Now This Little Miracle Is Proving Everyone Wrong
Victoria Bradley perhaps experienced the worst day of her life when the doctor told her that her new-born daughter Francesca...
Baby Born Premature Declared Dead Then 8 Minutes Pass And Doctors Witness Miracle As Baby Is Revived
Stories of the dead being raised to life are everywhere in the Bible. We have grown up hearing, reading, and...
Huge Mass In Sick Newborn Miraculously Vanishes Moments Before Surgery
Baby Hunter’s parents were rewarded for the faith they placed in the Lord. How else could anyone explain the disappearance...
Family Is Heartbroken When 13-Yr-Old Dog Disappears During Blizzard, Then A Miracle Happens
When one of our loved ones goes missing, we are filled with a kind of burning despair. We panic and...
Mother Of ‘Miracle Sisters’ Born Holding Hands Explains How The Twins Helped Each Other Survive Their 1st Year Of Life
The miracle of birth is one that’s not to be taken lightly, and God loves to bless us with babies!...
Widowed Mom Is Left With Dying Baby, But It’s After She Surrenders To God That She Understands Why
God is watching over us even when we suffer, and simply surrendering to him and trusting him will give us...
Little Girl With Terminal Illness Makes Miraculous Recovery After Seeing Jesus
Jamie is the mother of an extremely fun-loving daughter, Brittany Backenhaster. However, one morning Jamie found her young daughter lying...
Ancient Pottery Workshop Found Near Site Where Jesus Turned Water To Wine
God gave Jesus his blessings and powers so that he had the necessary skills to lead us. We must be...
Premature Baby Is Born 24 Weeks Into Pregnancy, 3 Weeks Later Mom Gives Birth To His Twin!
When miracles happen, they are clear signs that God is watching over us. We should be thankful to God for...