Victoria Bradley perhaps experienced the worst day of her life when the doctor told her that her new-born daughter Francesca wouldn’t live. When Francesca was born, she looked nothing less than a delicate fetus. Her hands were the size of a fingernail and her feet the size of pennies. She weighed less than two pounds when she was born, and nobody expected her to survive.
But it was Victoria’s faith in God that perhaps gave baby Francesca another chance to live. It’s been nine months since Francesca was born, but she’s thriving like a resilient flower. She has defied all odds by fighting meningitis, two episodes of collapsed lungs and kidney issues, all in just a few weeks of her birth. She even faced a laser eye operation and sailed through it successfully. Francesca is now free of all life-supporting medications, oxygen, and tubes. She is now living a normal life, something which even her mother Victoria didn’t expect. She is no less than an angel to the family and an inspiration to everyone.
When a mother is expecting a baby, she will always want the best to happen. But life is certainly not a bed of roses. There may come times when sadness and despair accompany happiness and joy to teach us something valuable. It’s only faith in God that often helps people sail through such times.
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