Pruning Your Garden Soon? Make Sure To Look Out For These Tiny Eggs!

God has created a beautiful world for all the living beings to live together in harmony. If only we could stop and admire what is around us and see that nature has such beauty! Each living creature is said to have a purpose in the ecosystem. But, they are more than just that! They are precious treasures that have the same rights to occupy this earth as we humans do. This is why it is important to contribute our fair share to conserve nature. Come spring, you might be ready to give your garden a quick prune and make it look extra magical. But, there is something important that you should be doing before pruning your trees.

How many times have you been impressed by the melodious chirping of the hummingbirds? Have you ever had a chance to see the artistically crafted nest of a hummingbird? Hummingbirds are adorable creatures and with them around, even the most boring garden springs to life magically. Modernisation of the towns and cities has led to the increase in the number of buildings and reduction in the number of trees and gardens. So if there are places with gardens and flowering plants these surely would be teeming with life. Birds, butterflies and all other tiny creatures love living in such places. Hummingbirds are very particular about the habitat they choose. If you have a garden and if you have spotted hummingbirds around there is a very good chance that these birds have built their nest somewhere in your garden. The chances are even brighter if you have pleasant green trees where they can cozily build their nest. The thing about hummingbird nests is that these are as tiny as the birds themselves. So, it makes sense that their eggs are such tiny specks!

The art of nest building should be learned from a hummingbird. It collects cobwebs, leaves as well as moss. And as a finishing touch, these smart birds use lichens to line the outer portion of the nest. So when the project is complete you would find it hard to notice the nest at the first glance. It lies there perfectly camouflaged in the greens. This is a measure that they take to protect their nests and their eggs from predators but then this is also a problem because it is hard to notice them. That increases the chances of destroying the nests while pruning the trees.

The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service has taken steps to increase the awareness among the public. They have announced, “Hummingbird eggs are tiny, about the size of jellybeans! Please remember to carefully check for nests before you trim trees and shrubs this spring”. You do not have to be a nature lover to admire these beautiful creatures. These harmless souls deserve their privacy and deserve to be taken care of. So make sure that you check your trees carefully before you start pruning!

Share this story with your friends who love gardening to give them a heads up about these hummingbird eggs!

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