Howard Storm was once a jaded professor who thought that all Christians were idiots. After a near death experience that opened his eyes to the horrors of hell he had a striking conversion.
In June 1985, Storm took a group of his students on a field trip to Europe. After returning to his Paris hotel room with his wife around 11:00 a.m. from a morning excursion, he had a sudden onset of severe abdominal pain. He was evaluated at a Paris hospital and diagnosed with a duodenal perforation, which required surgery.
The earliest a surgeon could perform this procedure was around 9:00 p.m. that day. As he lay waiting for surgery, he truly believed that he was going to die due to the severity of his pain and so mentally prepared himself for death. After saying goodbye to his wife, he eventually passed out.
You can learn the rest of his storm on the Fox8 video below. What do you think about his experience?