What would you do if you discovered a wallet filled with hundreds of dollars on the ground and no one was around?
Most people would probably keep it and think nothing of it, but three kids from Colorado made a brave decision that goes against the grain.
Siblings Haylie Wenke, 13, and Reagen Wenke, 6, were having a fantastic bike ride one afternoon on a hot summer day. They were there with their friend, Ashley Dayton.
After playing for a while in the community park, the three decided it was time to head back home.
As they rode their bikes back, one of the kids spotted something on the ground next to a car that was outside of a house.
Ashley quickly realized that it was a small, black wallet and the owner of the car must have dropped it without knowing.
So, the kids decided to do something about it.
They had to go to the house and deliver the wallet to the owner, which contained $700.
Jamie Carlton was a bit shocked when he saw three kids approaching his door with $700 in hand.
He thought they were going to be up to no good but he was in for a huge surprise when they rang the doorbell.
His voice-activated security system greeted the kids.
The system said that they can just leave their items at the door.
The kids then relayed to the voice system that they had the man’s wallet.
They said they were going to place it on the doorstep so that “no one takes any money.”
The children then jumped back on their bikes and rode away before Carlton could catch up to them.
Carlton was amazed by the choices that the kids made.
He wanted to show his appreciation and thank them for what they did, but he had no idea who they were.
So, Carlton sahred the surveillance video on Facebook in the hopes that someone would be able to help identify these kids.
The video went viral and ended up being seen by the kid’s family.
Kerri Eddy Wenke, Haylie and Reagan’s mother, was shocked by the amount of attention the children have gotten from the community.
She said that, as much as she would like to take partial credit for what her kids did, it’s a decision that they made on their own and they deserve the credit for it.
She, along with the kids’ dad, Ryan Wenke, are indeed very proud of Haylie and Reagan.