Treacher Collins syndrome affects about one out of every 50,000 people. It is a genetic disorder which changes the development of the facial structure as it affects the chins, jaws, and cheekbones. People who have Treacher Collins syndrome will have abnormalities on their faces.
Jono Lancaster is one famous person who was afflicted by this syndrome. In the NORD Breakthrough Summit in 2015, Jono said, “I was born with a genetic condition that affects my facial features. I have no cheekbones, and so my eyes dip down. I love my little ears, they don’t get cold at night. But I do need hearing aids.”
“I set a firework off in class, I got up to no good. It was quite often alcohol related, I got quite a bad reputation amongst other mums and teachers.”
But he says deep down he was getting lonelier and lonelier.
“I used to hide how unhappy I was from my mum. She had already done so much for me.
Jono says he wants people to be more aware of what Treacher Collins is – and how to deal with it
“But I didn’t like to go out unless I had to. I’d do things like cut my own hair so I didn’t have to look at myself in a mirror.”
When Jono was born, his biological parents abandoned him because of his facial structure. However, Jono was lucky because his guardian, Jean, decided to adopt him on 18th of May, 1990.
Due to the difficult life Jono had to live, he decided to meet children from all over the world that are suffering from different disabilities to give them hope and inspiration. Jono also managed to find and fall in love with a beautiful woman by the name Laura.
Take a look at the video below to have a better understanding of Jono’s life.
Share Jono’s story to remind others that we may look different, but we are all God’s beloved children!