God gave us the gift of his Son, the ultimate present for our salvation. His gift enables us to enjoy the closest of relationships with him, our Father. Because he loves us so much, he regularly blesses us with gifts of friendship, beauty, and provision. There are no strings attached; we simply have to accept them in order to enjoy them.
God provides our model for giving. With Christ, we see this model in the flesh. Jesus was never too busy to listen to a child, a leper, a tax collector, a prostitute, or even a Pharisee, the hypocritical religious leaders of his day. He gave of himself to everyone he encountered, healing them, feeding them, transforming them by the power of his truth.
Today, give of yourself to those around you the same way Jesus did—with selflessness, compassion, and acceptance.
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Pray: “Lord, you give me so much—thank you! Allow me to give to other people just as generously, pointing them to you as my Source.”