Pets are very dear to us. They truly become members of our family. Many times they are adopted as pups or kittens. Others are brought into loving homes later in life. We spend quality time, make fun memories, and grow old together.
Sadie was one of those special pets. Her owner suddenly passed away from a cardiac arrest. The new widow wanted Sadie to be able to say her last goodbye. She made a call to the funeral home for this unique request.
They completely understood and agreed.
“The dog was as important as a spouse and child, so it was important that we allowed it to happen.” said the funeral director. “As Sadie approached the casket you could both feel and hear the emotion in the room from the guests. Not a dry eye in the room. It was an emotional and hair-raising moment,” she described.
Sadie had not been herself since her loss. It was obvious she was in mourning. The company took a few very sweet pictures and posted them on social media. The post shares how meaningful the moment was for the dog. It also helped her emotionally.
It reads “When he had passed away at home their dog Sadie would not leave his side. After the death, she showed signs of depression, would not eat and waited for him to come home every day. The wife believed that Sadie could also benefit from saying goodbye and getting closure herself, and she was right! After 10 days of not eating and 10lbs of weight loss, the moment Sadie walked in her home again after the service she ate her first meal. Amazing!”