Father books 6 flights to stay with his flight attendant daughter on Christmas

The father-daughter relationship is one of a kind. A dad has a special place in his heart for a little baby girl he has seen to grow into a woman. Family time is important for many over the holidays, and one dad was committed to spending Christmas with his daughter. So much so that he bought 6 flights she would be working on as a flight attendant.

Pierce Vaughan is the lucky daughter Hal. She works for Delta Airlines and attends to others during flights. She was scheduled to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas day this year.

Her Father Hal insisted on making sure his little girl would be with family. He booked a total of 6 flights to wake up and see her face Christmas morning.

On one of the flights to Detroit, Hal sat next to Mike Levy. The two chatted about their travels and Mike was touched by what Hal was doing. He shared a photo of himself with Hal on social media with the story.

The post read:
“I had the pleasure of sitting next to Hal on my flight back home. His daughter Pierce was our flight attendant who had to work over Christmas. Hal decided he would spend the holiday with her. So, he is flying on each of her flights today and tomorrow around the country to spend time with his daughter for Christmas. What a fantastic father! Wish you both a very Merry Christmas!

Not only was Hal thoughtful, but he just recently started to get better from a serious accident.

“I was extremely surprised to see the post go as viral as it has. I’m very happy to share such a heartwarming story.” Mike explained. “Hal was in an accident earlier in the year. He broke his neck and was quadriplegic for a while. He slowly began to recover and this was the first trip he had taken since his recovery. He still moves a bit slower, but stronger every day from what he told me.”

Such a sweet story to read.

Others have expressed their love for this great father daughter story.


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