Teresa Cohen was just seven years old when she started cooking. During holidays, while other kids played outside, her grandmother insisted that she help her cooking. Cohen said she longed to go out, but as she grew up, her interest in cooking increased, and she preferred cooking than going out to play.
In a hope to make something out of her cooking, Cohen left Atlanta. Though she wasn’t used to the city, she hoped that Georgia’s capital would bring some success to her talent. There she owned a popular Warner Robins restaurant called Creative Home Cooked Meals. Unfortunately, a lot of pf people stole from her, and she went out of business, and she moved back to Central Georgia.
Cohen still hoped that she could make good use of her talent in cooking authentic southern home-cooked meals. To Cohen’s luck, she met Robert Jones, an Atlanta native, in February at a Chick-fil-A. Cohen expresses to him that she had suffered a loss but was still interested in starting a restaurant. To her luck, Jones was looking for new investment.
Cohen prayed to find a good venue for her restaurant. She prayed to God that if a location is suitable to her, then let him send her there. She hoped to find a good place with ample parking for her venture, and she came across one at 1530 Rocky Creek Road. On June 4th, she signed the lease with her co-owner, Jones.
With God by her side and her grandmother’s traditional southern recipes, Teresa Cohen started Ma Duke. She says she plans to make her restaurant affordable to all. At present, she is hiring help, teenagers who are above 16 and can promise to keep their grades up while they work with her.