God works in mysterious ways, but it might seem very difficult to understand why things happen the way they do. When things get tough, it doesn’t mean that God isn’t listening. It only means that it calls for a stronger faith in Him to optimistically wish for and wait for things to get better because change is the only thing that is inevitable and life will not stay difficult forever. Talking about hope and his unshakable faith in Jesus, Evangelist Billy Graham has something thought-provoking to say.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is a well-known advice column where readers post their queries and get their answers from Evangelist Billy Graham. Billy Graham has won the respect of people all over the world. For 61 years, he has gained a place in the list of the annual “Gallop Poll: Most Admired Man and Woman.” A worried reader recently posted a complaint in the advice column. He wrote about the many troubles he had faced in 2017. “I begged God to solve them, but nothing happened. Where was God in all this?” This was the user’s question. And, the response that Graham had given is something that comes as an answer to most of us. His answer is something that gives a fitting reply to those moments where we have our doubts about God’s presence.
Quoting a verse from The Bible, Graham said that God is always compassionate. This is a fact that one should never doubt even during the toughest times. Proceeding to explain that we do not always have the answers to everything in this world, Graham wrote, “Frankly, I wish I knew why God allows hard times to come to us, but I don’t- not fully”. He then explained that in life, good and evil are both equally real. Just like there are good times, there are times when the evil in life starts dominating as well. But then we know that nothing really lasts forever. And he also reminded that God doesn’t take His eyes off His children. He understands the pain that His children go through when evil takes over and He has felt that pain when His Son, Jesus Christ, was crucified and He will always feel the pain when any of his children suffer. But then we know about Jesus’ resurrection after he was crucified and that is proof enough to show that there is always a hope, a hope that we can start fresh and a hope that evil would not be able to show its strength forever. Graham explained that when things go bad, we have a choice to make. A choice to either break and lose our faith in God or to approach Him with an unwavering trust and thus gain strength.
Talking about the year 2018 and how it would be, he wrote, “Ask Him to come into your life. Then ask Him to give you His strength and wisdom as you face life’s challenges. Remember: When we know Christ, nothing ‘will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord’ (Romans 8:39)”. This is a response that leaves us introspecting.
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