Alabama sings “Just a Closer Walk With Thee”

The legendary group Alabama perform the gospel classic “Just A Closer Walk With Thee”.

Alabama is known for its country hits, but their gospel singing is even better!

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.
Psalm 23:2–3

Many people never slow down until they’re forced to do so. They get sick, have an accident, or lose their job. Suddenly, they have no choice but to reduce their speed and change their normal fast-paced routine. Most of the time, this process yields positive results, even if the individuals initially resisted their required rest periods.

Sometimes our lives become so overwhelming that God intervenes and brings his supernatural peace to our minds. We can’t explain it. Our to-do list remains just as long, the demands on our time just as daunting. But somehow we sense that it’s all going to be okay. Whether we get everything done doesn’t seem to matter so much any more. Simply being present and trusting God’s goodness becomes our priority.

It’s nice when we can venture outside, lie back under a shade tree or umbrella, and watch the surface of a nearby lake or river. But most of the time, we probably can’t. Nonetheless, the same sense of tranquility can be ours when we allow God’s peace to envelop us.

You can grow closer to God with my full Jesus Daily® Devotional Book on Amazon or fine bookstores everywhere.

Pray: “Dear God, I feel so overwhelmed by life’s demands most of the time. Remind me that your peace is always available to me, no matter how stressed I may feel.”

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