Harry is a 20-year old man who lives with an extremely rare condition known as atypical progeria syndrome. It’s a premature aging disorder that causes Harry to age five times faster than normal people do, resulting in him suffering from symptoms such as limited mobility, arthritis, bone deterioration, and fatigue.
It is often said that we can’t control the things that happen to us, we can only control how we respond to them and how we let these things affect us. This saying is best encapsulated by the story of this young man, who continues to stay positive even when things seem dire, just like how God wants us to.
Harry’s mom, Sharron Crowther first noticed something strange when her son was just one. She saw that there were some unusual pigmentations and freckles in his armpits. When she went to take him to the doctor, they told her it was nothing but a harmless birthmark. However, she and her husband continued to see various specialists, and when their son was 7, the family came to the U.S, where Harry was diagnosed with atypical progeria syndrome.
Harry is the only known male in the entire world to suffer from this syndrome. Despite this, he keeps a positive outlook and doesn’t let his condition weigh him down. “I don’t really think about it. I’m just me…I try to see the brighter side of things,” he says.