A picture of two young boys, hands over their hearts, and honoring a flag as it raised in front of a fire station is going viral.
According to the Roseboro Fire Department’s Facebook page, the Chaplain was raising the flag, and as he did, he saw these two young men standing “with hands on their hearts saying the pledge of allegiance.”
Since the original post, it has gotten nearly 9,300 likes and the attention of both local and national news.
The boys are cousins: Derrick Tyrone Ingram Jr. and Thomas Edwards Jones Jr. Many of the likes and comments honor both the boys and the people who are raising them, noting respect and patriotism are still alive and well in this country.
“This is beautiful the parents should be proud of these two young boys,” said one commenter.
One man from Birmingham, Alabama wrote, “These two young men have put Roseboro, North Carolina on the map in a very positive way! Kudos to them, their parents, and entire community for showing what America is all about.”
One of the boys’ mom, Journey Pearson is proud of her son and her nephew. She told the local news affiliate when the boys are older, they can decide what [political] issues they will stand for, but until then she is teaching them respect.
“Always be respectful, no matter what people tell them or what people try to throw into their heads, always respect your flag and do what you do at school,” Pearson said.
In the same interview, the young boys explained they wanted to “celebrate freedom.” Well, we are celebrating them today. Well done boys and well done, momma. God bless you all.