Not everyone can solve this tricky test on their first try. If you take your time, then you’ll probably make it, but if you make it a timed challenge, then things get considerably harder. Try and see if you can solve this one in under 20 seconds!
Below is a number sequence from 1 to 53, but two numbers are missing. Your mission is to find out which ones.
Want a chance to prove your skill?
I have to admit that I didn’t make it on the first try – and neither did my friends. Now it’s your turn. Ready, set, go…
Like I said, I didn’t make it on the first try. But then I had a long second look, and I eventually managed to find the missing numbers!
Below is the answer in two separate images.
The first missing number is 11.
The second missing number is 32.
So if you noticed the numbers 11 and 32 missing, then congratulations – you passed the test!
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