God creates us each one of us in a special and unique way so that we can fit into his plan for the world. That being said, some children are born with more differences than others, and often times it’s hard for them to fit into society. Being a parent to a child with special needs can be challenging at times, but many wouldn’t trade it for the world. Down Syndrome is a condition that affects a lot of people in our world today, but individuals with this disability are still as beautiful as the rest of us!
Nicole Starr is a photographer from Saratoga Springs, New York who loves to use her work to do something very important: normalize Down syndrome through beautiful photos.
“My first introduction to the Down syndrome community was in 2010 with the birth of my friend’s son, and since then, I feel lucky to have met countless families who have a little one that rocks an extra chromosome,” Nicole said.
“Many parents of children with Down syndrome have told me that they’ve never done professional portraits before because they worry how their child will react to a camera or that they will not be able to find a photographer who understands their child’s unique needs and strengths. I love giving them a portrait experience that focuses on their child, drawing out everything that makes them special,” Nicole said.
March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day, so it’s a good time for us to take a look at some of these beautiful children and pray for them!
Nicole said that as soon as she had her first shoot with a child with Down syndrome, she never looked back, said that she hopes to continue to put a spotlight on these kids with her photography business. “It has been such an amazing experience to connect with so many individuals in the Down syndrome community and showcase their sparkling personalities, their strengths, and their stories,” Nicole said.
[Source/Pop Sugar]
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