This revealing video of a man pouring hot water over an apple is stunning. Wait until you see what happens to the apple!
Below you will see a video of someone pouring boiling water on an apple, and showing all the stuff that comes off. If you haven’t seen the video, the experiment is simple, you can even try it yourself at home. Just get a red apple, one of those that you find at your local supermarket, pour boiling water over it, and then watch what happens.
The main reason why there’s wax on your apple is because the apple made the wax. Well some of it that is. Just like you have oil on your skin, an apple grows a layer of wax on its skin all by itself. The wax helps protect it against spores, pests, and keeps moisture trapped in the apple skin. When the apple comes off the tree, the coating becomes thicker: the apple is still alive and will keep protecting itself by producing wax.
Apples are not alone. Lots of fruits produce their own wax coating to help them survive when they are picked off the tree.
Now there is a second wax that is not natural at all. There is a coating of ‘food grade’ wax that’s sometimes applied to the apples. This, unsurprisingly, is known in the food industry as “waxing”. When you put an apple through the washing process required to ship it, you strip the natural wax on the skin. If you leave it that way, the apple can more easily be affected by the stuff I mentioned the wax helps with.
Plus, when you when you pick an apple from the tree, you cut it off from the flow of nutrients that was keeping it alive. Everything starts to go downhill for the apple. Oxygen starts to react with apple, causing changes in color and texture. If you wash the apple, strip the natural wax, and leave it that way a few days later you have a brown, bruised apple that nobody wants to buy.
So is the wax good or bad?
We would like to share one of our favorite verses with you today.
Jeremiah 29 11-14
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,”
Remember if you are having struggles in your life, Jesus CAN change your situation. Seek Him and you will find Him. He has a plan for your life today!
God Bless!