Babies are always curious about the world around them. They often venture out of the safety of their parent’s eye to discover the world. One must keep a watchful eye on little ones so that they can prevent these youngsters from the dangers of the outside world. But it is not always possible for a parent, human or animal, to keep a continuous watch on their children. As this story of a baby squirrel shows us, the world outside can sometimes be harsh for the young ones.
Animal rescuers came across a two-week-old squirrel hanging from a thorn in a tree that could be heard crying incessantly. They tried to stack chairs on top of tables to get the poor thing down, but the arrangement proved to be too unstable. They needed to improvise quickly as the baby squirrel’s injuries were grave. The rescuers returned with a truck which they stacked against the tree. “I’m all thorny. Imagine this poor thing,” one of the rescuers said as he was reaching for the squirrel. They gently wiggled the squirrel away from the thorn and wrapped him up in a towel. He was then taken to the animal hospital where he is being nursed back to health. They have named the baby squirrel Thorn, as it was stuck on a thorn in the tree. “Oh this is part of life,” the rescuer later said. “This is why we love animals and wildlife.” Animals are also God’s children, we must treat them with kindness and compassion like these rescuers did.
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