Rancher Finds Squirrel With Curly, Overgrown Teeth And Takes Him Home To Save His Life

In June 2018, Jannet Talbott was doing some yard work on her beautiful Alberta ranch when she noticed a small squirrel eating from her finches’ bird feeder. She could tell the squirrel was struggling and noticed something strange sticking out from his head.

Jannet realized the poor squirrel was unable to eat his normal diet of nuts and bark — because his teeth were so long and overgrown. His four incisors were even curling backward into his mouth!

Knowing his life span would be much shorter if he couldn’t close his mouth or chew his food, Jannet decided to bring the squirrel inside and perform some DIY dental work.

She watched YouTube videos to learn how to trim squirrel teeth, wrapped him in a towel, and got to work on the delicate procedure.

Wait until you see “Bucky” today…

Jannet Talbott has been taking care of animals ever since she was a little girl.

“I feel a deep connection with animals, and a duty to advocate for them and be their voice,” she shares.

Squirrels have four teeth that continuously grow — but typically, their teeth are ground down by their diet of nuts and tree bark.

Jannet assumed the squirrel was born with an irregular bite and could only manage to eat the finches’ bird food. His life was seriously at risk because he wasn’t able to close his mouth or chew his food.

The passionate animal ally knew she needed to step in and help save his life.

Using her leather garden gloves, Jannet picked up the squirrel while he was eating from the bird feeder, brought him inside, and gave him the name “Bucky.”

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She taught herself how to trim a squirrel’s teeth by watching a number of videos on the internet.

After wrapping him in a warm towel, Jannet was able to get an even better look at her new dental patient.

Bucky’s top two incisors were so long and curly they nearly pierced him right in the eyes!

Jannet described him as a “model patient” who stayed calm during the dangerous DIY dental work. Since squirrels don’t have nerve endings in their incisors, Bucky did’t feel very much pain.

“I do believe animals know when you’re trying to help them,” she says.

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Just look at him now!

“That must feel so much better,” Jannet shared on Facebook.

Janet thinks Bucky was only surviving on crushed and shelled sunflower seeds.

But when she spotted him the next day with his new set of chompers, she was delighted to find him eating whole peanuts.

She observed as Bucky scurried up the tree and was able to rub his cheeks on it for the first time.

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“I watched him sharpen is newly trimmed incisors on a tree branch… fingers crossed he keeps them worn down.

Just look at that smile.”

Knowing it’s possible for Bucky’s teeth to grow back again improperly, Jannet is more than happy to keep an eye on him — and help him again should he ever need it.

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