Aaron Tucker, 32, was recently freed from prison after serving just over 22 months for a minor weapons charge. He was very determined to restart his life— both for him and his 21-month-old son.
One week after his release from jail, Aaron was on a bus heading to a crucial job interview with just $2 in his pocket… but he never made it to his interview.
Along the way, he noticed an overturned vehicle ahead of the bus. Concerned, he asked the driver if he was going to help, but the driver flatly said “no.” He also told Aaron he was going to leave should he exit the bus.
But Aaron didn’t hesitate to do what he knew was the right thing to do. Right away, he was off the bus and running to the car as it began to smoke, knowing full well he’d miss his job interview. With the help of several other Good Samaritans, he discovered and pulled the driver out of the wreckage. Aaron also took off his dress shirt and wrapped it around the victim’s bleeding head, helping to conserve blood until first responders could arrive. All the while, he kept talking to him and assuring him he was going to be OK.
Aaron stayed beside the victim until emergency crews took over. He went home and said a long prayer.
But Aaron’s story was far from over. News about the former inmate’s heroic deed spread quickly around town.
Karin Dale, a complete stranger, set up a GoFundMe page to thank him for his actions. In just four days, something truly incredible happened.