How life works can be truly amazing, and sometimes, things happen to us that are just too astonishing to be just a coincidence. God works in mysterious ways, and it is through these miraculous circumstances that we see his glory.
Almost thirty years ago, Vilma Wong, a young nurse who works at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) took care of a baby who was born prematurely at just 29 weeks, via an emergency C-section. The baby had to spend 40 days in the NICU and Vilma was his primary care nurse. That baby was named Brandon Seminatore.
Today, Vilma still works at the same hospital, where a young man recently joined as a pediatric neurology resident. This is where the story gets surreal, like something straight out of a movie. When she heard what the doctor’s name was, it sounded familiar, but she couldn’t quite place where she had met him before. So, she went ahead and spoke with the young resident, and found out that he was the baby she took care of all those years ago.
This heart-warming story was shared on Stanford Children’s Health blog, and since then, has gone viral. Dr. Seminatore said that meeting the nurse who took care of him when he was just a newborn made him realize that he has come full-circle, taking care of babies with the person who took care of him when he was one.