It was a lovely Friday, when Zack Bowen realized he needed a few things fixed on his 2004 car. He took it to a local auto shop that had a great reputation for quality work and customer service.
When it was time for Zack to pay for the repairs, there seemed to be a problem with his card. The shop employee understood and was very gracious. “I love my customers. They’re awesome,” said the stores service manager. “So I let him take the car for the weekend and told him we’d take care of it Monday.
When Monday came, Zack and his mother went to the shop to pay off his debt. It was then that he was informed of an unknown person who left a letter. In addition to the letter, there was also a small stack of money for Zack to use with his unexpected car expenses.
The letter read, “My husband was here Friday afternoon to pick up car and a young man and possibly his mother were here to pick up the young man’s car. He was having trouble getting financing to pay for repairs…I would like to donate to the bill, here’s $200 for the repairs.”
“It was a big shock. I was in tears,” said Jack’s mother.
Jack was very thankful and touched. “You guys are a prime example that there’s still kindness in this world!… It really touched me and I’m eternally grateful!”
He plans on keeping the letter and remembering the blessing it represents. The couple who gave the gift is still unknown, but will not be forgotten.