NBA basketball coach Monty Williams has a strong faith in the Lord. He not only leans on him for strength but had the confidence to inspire those who mourned with him on the day of his wife’s funeral.
His wife, Ingrid Williams, tragically lost her life after a truck ran into her vehicle, causing both drivers to pass away.
The couple had 5 children and were married for about 20 years. Both Monty and Ingrid shared a strong relationship with God and publically shared their faith. They even collaborated on a Bible reading book.
In front of a large crown of supporter and loved ones, Monty stood strong on his beliefs and sent a powerful message for all to hear.
“God will work this out. My wife is in heaven. God loves us. God is love. And when we walk away from this place today, let’s celebrate. Because my wife is where we all need to be. And I’m envious of that. But I got five crumb-snatchers I’ve got to deal with. I love you guys for taking time out of your day to celebrate my wife. We didn’t lose her. When you lose something you can’t find it. I know exactly where my wife is. I’ll miss holding her hand. I’ll miss talking with my wife.”
He also shared a message of grace and forgiveness.
“Everybody is praying for me and my family, and that is right, but let us not forget that there were two people in this situation, and that family needs prayer as well. And we have no ill will toward that family. In my house, we have a sign that says ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ We cannot serve the lord if we don’t have a heart of forgiveness.”
Monty continued to preach God’s words. He even requested prayer for the loved ones of the truck driver, the woman who killed his wife.
“That family didn’t wake up wanting to hurt my wife. Life is hard. Life is very hard. And that was tough. But we hold no ill will towards the Donaldson family. And we, as a group, brothers united in unity, should be praying for that family, because they grieve as well.”
“This is hard for my family, but this will work out. And my wife would punch me if I were to sit up here and whine about what is going on. That doesn’t take away the pain, but it will work out because God causes all things to work out. You just can’t quit; you can’t give in.”
What an encouraging reminder to keep our faith in the Lord and pray through the good times and bad.