Mom brings 4-month-old on flight and starts handing out “baggies” to passengers

Anyone who has ever looked after a young baby will know how challenging it can be. Now just imagine trying to take the baby to a different country. Some of you may have, and if you’re one of those, you’re probably going to know that air travel can be a bumpy ride.

One young mother certainly anticipated that when she boarded a chartered flight to the other side of the world. Worried that her baby would disturb all the other passengers, she took matters into her own hands and acted in a manner that has now made headlines.

As Dave Corona was boarding his flight, he noticed a young mother and her child, just months old, and so would have been forgiven for anticipating a long flight filled with lots of screams. What he didn’t expect, however, was a bag of goodies placed on his seat when he got to it.

Inside the bag was a set of ear plugs, as well as a mix of Korean candies. Sitting beside it was a note fit to melt hearts.

It read: “Hello, I’m Junwoo and I’m 4 months old. Today I’m going to the U.S. with my mom and grandma to see my aunt. I’m a little bit nervous and scary because it’s my first flight in my life, which means that I may cry or make too much noise. I will try to go quietly, though I can’t make any promises. Please excuse me. So my mom prepared little goodie bags for you! It has some candies and earplugs. Please use it when it’s too noisy because of me. Enjoy your trip. Thank you. :)”

Clearly the gesture was well received by those on board. Let’s face it, how many individuals would go to such lengths just to ensure other passengers weren’t disturbed? Especially when it meant creating 200 goodie bags!

It also so happened that Dave was actually a cameraman working for KGO-TV in San Francisco. He shared his story online and it garnered plenty of attention, with people far and wide praising this woman’s actions. What’s more? The earplugs weren’t even needed: the baby slept wonderfully through the entire flight.

It’s little acts like this that go a long way towards restoring our faith in humankind. Having empathy for those around you is an extremely underrated quality and one that can send ripples further than one might think!

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