Leukemia sick mom pregnant with twins finds perfect bone marrow donor days after public plea

Last week you may have heard about the story of Susie Rabaca, who was desperately searching for a 100% match to donate their bone marrow. The 36-year-old, who is pregant and due to give birth to twins on December 6, issued a plea for people to register in case they matched that went viral.

Susie was diagnosed with Leukemia after visiting doctors with symptoms of sickness.

Already a mother of three, Rabaca told her story to the entire world and it has had a truly inspiring effect. According to ABC7, a record-breaking number of people have signed up to be potential donors for Rabaca, whose mixed Latino and Caucasian heritage had made finding a match very difficult.

“For me to find one and for it to be 10 out of 10 at that is amazing. Nothing better in the world right now,” Susie said.

Just days after Susie’s story had aired, around 40,000 people registered as potential donors on the Be The Match registry.

Julie Kornike, of Be The Match, said: “Only 3 percent of our registry is mixed ethnicity and so it can be really difficult to find a matching donor. The fact that we have identified a potential match for her is really exciting.”

For someone suffering from leukemia, a bone marrow transplant can be a potential lifesaver. For the process to work, the new marrow must be as close of a match as possible. To put it into perspective of how highly the odds were actually stacked against her, there was no match for her on a worldwide registry which includes 30 million people. So it truly is a miracle.

Now with a match being found, Susie is hoping to undergo a transplant before delivering her twins. She was givien the amazing news concerning the match last night, and celebrated with her family.

“Whoever you are out there – thank you so much. You’re saving my life. You’re an angel, and I hope one day to meet you,” she said, as per ABC7.

Susie is hoping that she can hit a goal of 100,000 people signing up on Be The Match before she gives births to her twins.

Susie, we’re so happy for you! What fantastic news to hear just days after the odds appeared so bleak.

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