Will you take a moment to read Jesus’ message today?
The Lord is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.
Psalm 11:7
So many standards, traditions, and customs that once seemed like permanent fixtures have now crumbled with the changes of our current culture. While some of these may have a positive impact, many of them simply indicate how selfish and fickle human beings can be. We want absolutes for the security they provide, but we want to be the exception to the rules they require.
God provides the standard by which all things just, righteous, and holy are measured. And people all fall short of his standard—we’re naturally inclined to focus on our own selfish and sinful desires, incapable of living a perfect life. In fact, only one person lived a perfect life—Jesus. Because we could never live up to God’s standard of holiness, he sent his Son to live among us, provide an example, and offer us eternal life through the gift of salvation.
Even if we live in a gray world, God provides the clarity and definition we need in black and white.
You can grow closer to God with my full Jesus Daily® Devotional Book at fine bookstores everywhere.
Pray: “Father, thank you that your truth and your character never change. Amidst the swirling winds of cultural change, remind me of what’s eternal and holy.”