By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.
1 Corinthians 6:14
Resurrection Life
Occasionally, especially as we get older, we begin to wonder what our legacy will be. What will we have accomplished with our life that will endure after we’ve left this earth? Are we truly living out of our God-given purpose, or are we settling for less?
We tend to let our circumstances dictate how we feel, which in turn influences how we act. When we attach this kind of power to events beyond our control, we set ourselves up for dissatisfaction, disappointment, and discouragement. With this bleak mindset, soon it seems as though nothing matters, that regardless of what we do, it doesn’t really change anything.
This is not living in the abundant life of the resurrected Christ. Circumstances remain beyond our control, and our souls will ache with the painful weight of disappointment sometimes. But when our hope is in Christ, we can see beyond our momentary discomfort. We can trust God with our past, present, and future, including our legacy.
Pray: “Jesus, thank you for rising from the dead and bringing abundant life. I want to trust you fully, knowing that what I do is meaningful for your kingdom.”
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