Fletcher Pilon is only 14 years old, but he has already had to deal with a lot of loss in his life. Three months before Fletcher stepped on stage to audition for Australia’s Got Talent, he went through a devastating trial. Fletcher’s little brother, who’s name was Banjo, passed away when he was hit by a car while skateboarding. Banjo was only 10-years-old when he died, and it left a gaping hole in Fletcher’s life.
But Fletcher found a way to cope with this loss: through music. He took all of the hurt and pain and wrote the song ‘Infinite Child’ in memory of Banjo. Fletcher decided to play this song for the judges when he auditioned for AGT, and his story totally took the judges by surprise.
Fletcher’s emotional performance showcased his amazing voice, but it also brought everyone in the crowd to tears! Even the judges were bawling by the time Fletcher finished singing this original song! He truly is an incredible singer with a heart of gold.
Watch Fletcher’s emotional audition in the video below:
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