Baby Meets Puppy for the First Time

How this baby reacts to meeting this adorable puppy for the first time is so adorable. It will absolutely warm your heart, and make you smile!

Do you remember the first time you saw a puppy?

Each one of us has favorite sayings or quotation which define who we are and what we do. In a few words, they capture our deepest feelings and help us discover and embrace ourselves. Some of these come from famous people, some from movies, and some come from books. People who know Jesus like we do connect deeply with The Bible. Rev. Billy Graham, who preached for a record-breaking number of years, would turn to the Bible and ask that God would inspire his life. The 99-year-old evangelist passed away last week and the whole world is mourning his death. Graham had been in love with Bible verses for as long as he could remember. In a recent Facebook post shared by his elder son, Franklin Graham, it was said Graham had a particular Bible verse displayed all over his home in North Carolina.

Billy Graham had been an ardent follower of scriptures for a long time and it is evident from his life how seriously he took them. The Bible is full of knowledge and no one knows it better than the one who closely follows every word of the Lord.

The verse, taken from Galatians 6:14, reads “But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world”. Franklin says the verse is “a great verse for us to live by”. The profound knowledge found in The Bible is something he says should be followed by everyone, Christians and non-Christians alike. Honestly, he feels, it has nothing to do with religion. It’s just wise words which can be easily incorporated into one’s life.

He wrote in his Facebook post that it was one of his father’s passion to memorize verses and let them become one with his heart, body, and soul. The verse has been printed in large bold letters and was pinned up on the bedroom wall, in the bathroom, in the dining room, and in a few other spots around the house.

He also wrote that four years back, his father was working on a sermon which was heavily based on the same scripture. 

God’s message is powerful! Share this story and encourage others with the good news of Jesus!

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