Twin sisters giving birth to two girls on the same day is a miracle within itself! This miraculous occasion took place in Pennsylvania in neighboring hospital rooms.
“I feel like it’s amazing. We can celebrate their birthdays together like how we celebrated our birthdays,” said Nautica Smith, twin sister to Natily Smith, reports WFMZ. “It’s pretty cool.”
Natily had just learned Nautica was pregnant before discovering one week later she was too. They then learned that their due dates were only one day apart!
“Everybody keeps asking if we planned it, and I’m like, ‘No,'” said Natily.
The twins had already shared much of everything in life — from their own birthdays to school sports and clothes. Then they ended up sharing the ups and downs of pregnancy together.
“I would always call and be like, ‘Do you have this symptom? Like, is this normal?’ And she was like, ‘Yeah,'” said Natily.
Instead of giving birth a day apart, luck would have it they’d give birth to babies Ava and Lay’lani at Reading hospital on the same day.
Baby Lay’lani was born six hours after Ava.
“Kind of twin-ish, but not really,” said Natily.
This experience definitely brought them even closer together and it is likely it will continue to do so.
“We were FaceTiming yesterday and this morning and it was, we both got so emotional because of the experience we got to go through together,” said Nautica, describing the first time the babies met.