This poor baby.
Almost two years ago, Tracy Blinov left her then seven-month-old daughter, Eliana, at Busy Hands preschool in Montana, USA, on her way to work. It wasn’t long before she received a call, though … and it turned out to be one she’s never going to forget.
It transpired that Eliana wasbit while at preschool, and that’s why Tracy turned her vehicle around and went straight back to pick her up. When she arrived, she saw a truly shocking sight. Eliana wasn’t just bitten once; her neck was coated with bite marks caused by an older kid.
After watching surveillance footage from the preschool, it could be determined that Eliana had been bitten for almost half a minute before the rescue of one of the staff members. It led in more than ten bite marks on the head and body of little Eliana.
An investigation was launched to find out why it took so long for the staff to respond, even though the preschool claimed that they acted as soon as they heard Eliana’s screams.
“This toddler that came in was a new customer and she neglected to tell us that the child was a biter and neglected to tell us that the week before she had been kicked out of Little Griz for biting a child,” said the owner said. “If that would have been told to us, we could have said ‘No, we can’t take her.’”
The bites were so severe that Eliana had to take some antibiotics. However, despite getting a face complete of scars, the little girl was in a much better mood the day after the incident.