When Dede Carraway went into labor, she had no idea how eventful it would be. Dede had come up with a birth plan and had thought she would have some idea of what to expect when she gave birth. But as always, the best-laid plans…
Dede’s OB-GYN suggested a little change that left her speechless.
Fortunately for us, someone was there to capture what followed …
When Dede’s 12-year-old daughter named Jacee entered the delivery room, she was worried she was going to miss the birth of her sibling. As she told to WS News Now: “I started crying because I thought I wasn’t going to get to see him be born because I was too short.”
But Dede’s doctor, Dr. Wolf, had something else up his sleeve …
Instead of simply moving people out of the way and clearing space so that Jacee could see, Dr. Wolf did one better… The doctor actually asked Jacee if she wanted to help deliver her baby brother!
Of course, both Dede and Jacee had concerns – it should go without saying Jacee has no experience in delivering babies.
After some reassurances, however, Jacee got into her place in front of Dr. Wolf and helped welcome her brother into the world.
“I actually delivered him,” Jacee said. “He let me actually push down and pull the baby out…. I was like, wow, like I’ve played fake doctor before, but this is the real thing, this is is the real deal. I was really nervous.”
As far as deliveries go, Dede’s was far from perfect. Her epidural wasn’t working, so she was left in crippling pain. That didn’t matter too much, though since Jacee’s face gave her all the relief she needed.
When it was finally time to push, Jacee helped Dr. Wolf deliver a 7-pound, 6-ounce boy, Cayson Carraway.
As Dede told WS News Now, it was a moment she’ll never forget: “Seeing the emotions on her face, it made me cry. I’m about to cry now! It was just a good moment for me.”
What an amazing bond they all 3 will share. God bless them all. Share this story today!