Man Could Not Believe It When He Was Given His Change And His Late Wife’s Signature Was Written On A Dollar Bill

Most of us have experienced something in our life that made us believe in a higher power, that there is something greater than ourselves out there guiding our paths with their invisible hand. Every once in a while, a random coincidence can also reaffirm that this life we are living here below is not the end but only the beginning.

For one man, that moment came shortly after his wife Grace passed away. Their 50th wedding anniversary had just passed and Peter Bilello had never missed anyone more in his life than he missed his wife Grace.

They met in Sicily while Peter was back home on a trip. His whole family was from the area, but Peter had immigrated to America to work and send money back home. It was the early 1960’s, right before the wave of new energy that turned into the “Summer of 69′”

Peter’s mother introduced the two of them and insisted that Peter take the beautiful young woman’s hand in marriage. He proceeded to follow her advice and he asked her to marry him. She couldn’t have been more excited to start a new journey with this amazing man!

They moved to Hartford, Connecticut and sired a family of two children and four grandchildren by their 45th wedding anniversary. To commemorate the event, Peter and his wife both signed $1 bills and he placed them in his wallet. He promised to hold onto them forever.

“I put them in my wallet. And I said, ‘These dollars are going to be in my wallet forever,’” he told WTNH News.

A few years later, Peter went through his wallet and realized that the bills were gone. He knew he had no chance of getting them back, so he apologized profusely to his wife.

Right after their 50th wedding anniversary, Grace succumbed to breast cancer. Peter was absolutely heartbroken and didn’t know how to handle losing the woman he’d spent the vast majority of his entire life with.

Seven months later, Peter experienced something, unlike anything he’d ever heard of or imagined. It was a twist of fate that no screenwriter could have written, no novelist could have come up with and most mathematicians would say is not mathematically possible.

Peter was recently sharing a meal with his granddaughter at the local subway. When the most unusual thing happened. When Peter got his change back from the Subway employee, he noticed something written on the dollar bill. The dollar bill that Grace had signed long ago was laying on the table when he got his change back.

The miraculous discovery completely defies logic. How someone could find the same dollar bill they lost years earlier is beyond statistical comprehension. Clearly, this was a message from God to let her Peter know that Grace is just fine and in his loving arms. What do you think?

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