The Power of Prayer
In Matthew 7:7 and again in Luke 11:9 Jesus says, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you. Yet, so often we forget to ask. A prayer from the heart is enough to ask but, we wish and we hope but we don’t pray. When we heed these powerful words of Jesus we know the answer, we need to ask and we will receive what is good for us.
A little girl’s prayer
Maya wanted a little brother or sister, so in her childlike innocence she did the one thing most of us adults forget to do, she prayed. Maya’s desire for a sibling was so great that she didn’t just pray once or twice but she prayed for a whole year.
Then one day her parents presented her with a little gift. The gift bag with a unicorn printed on it was stuffed with tissue which concealed the present. When Maya finally got it out she had no idea why her parents had given her a t-shirt. But on closer examination Maya realized that the tee read “I’m going to be a big sister. January 2019.” When it dawned on Maya what this meant she was overjoyed and cried in happiness. The gift also included ultrasound scans of her itty-bitty sibling who was on the way.