Focus on the Family’s yearly ‘Bring Your Bible To School Day’ was a tremendous success, with over 6000,000 students joining in. Duck Dynasty’s Sadie Robertson urged Christians in school to take an interest on the big day October 4, 2018.
The Christian entertainer urged youthful Christians to use the day as a unique time to be proud and stand strong in support of religious freedom.
“Be bold, don’t be afraid, it’s time to do it. Go ahead and bring your Bible to school,” Sadie announced.
Bibles were carried by approximately 500,000 students in 2017. This year, the number increased an additional 100,000 or more! That’s a lot of Bibles!
Focus On The Family created this special opportunity for children to understand that it’s okay to share one’s Christianity despite many new rules.
President Jim Daly shared “They are absolutely constitutionally guaranteed the right to bring their Bible to school, to set up a little Bible study at lunch, whatever they want to do. They just can’t interrupt class time.”
After the big day, one teen stated, “At my school, I see so many of my classmates acting and making choices like the Bible is just some random book. I was excited for the chance to share my faith and stand up for what I believe in. This, to me, was the least I can do for God.”
A mom shared, “My 9-year-old son, Anthony, participated in Bring Your Bible to School Day in Texas. He was a little nervous about what people would think of him in reading his Bible and sharing Jesus, so we prayed together and studied a few Scriptures before he headed to school to help him through the day. He brought 60 Bring Your Bible to School day bookmarks and cards to share with his classmates and teachers. When he came home from school, he was so excited and said there was nothing for him to be worried about because almost all his classmates wanted a bookmark and card. Out of 60 bookmarks he brought, he came back with 13 left.”
Jim Daly reflected by saying, “It’s a wonderful day when kids can express their religious freedom. Christian kids need to be able to know what their rights are. It’s OK to be a Christian in this culture and express those viewpoints.”