An old delicacy is resurfacing thanks to social media, and people seem perplexed. Peanuts in Coke is a snack that’s been around since the 1920s and in the Southern US is a treat many are familiar with.
Just pour some Coca-Cola in a cup (or drink some out of your bottle) and add salted peanuts. The sweet and salty delight is a surprise to the taste buds.
The trend, though old, is gaining recognition thanks to websites like 12 Tomatoes and Esquire. While some in the South have never tried this practice, it is a thing.
Just be sure to use COKE and not DIET COKE. The artificial sweetener throws the flavor profile off, and you will not reap the benefit of this refreshing snack.
While it is also not recommended to feed colas to your pets, this guy may not have gotten the memo.
If you are still reluctant to try the treat, consider this: many culinary delights are popular because they are both salty and sweet. Snickers, salted caramel, and trail mix are proof the formula works. Some people even put salt on sweet fruits like peaches or watermelon.
Originally credited to busy farmer hands by food historian Rick McDaniel, the idea of peanuts in coke was likely a way to safely eat peanuts without using their hands which were still dirty from the field. No matter how the idea came about, we are glad it did.