Justin Hanley, from Philadelphia, was stunned when he noticed the cutest pup tied to the rails of his front step one weekend. He immediately went out to check on the pup and saw a plastic bag that had three slices of pizza in it and a note which read: “Please take me home. I’m a girl named Diamond. We can no longer keep her in our home. Thank you”.
This heart-breaking message and the sad look on the pup’s face touched Hanley. Hanley and his wife immediately brought the pup in and gave it some food and water. The pup seemed frightened, and rightly so for it didn’t know where she was. But when Hanley called her out by her name, she seemed to relax a bit.
Hanley thinks the owners abandoned the dog at his home because it is in a high traffic area. The owners must have thought the dog would be discovered quickly. But Hanley admits that he was dismayed and stunned to see such a tiny pup, all alone at his doorsteps.
As soon as Diamond relaxed, the Hanleys were taken by her affectionate and friendly nature. She responded well to them. Hanley didn’t know what to do about the situation so he took to social media. He posted this incredible story of Diamond on a neighborhood Facebook page and asked for suggestions for organizations who handle lost/abandoned dogs.
Diamond’s story moved a lot of people and advice and suggestion started to pour in. Hanley knew then that Diamond would have no problem finding a proper home.
After three hours, New Jersey-based animal rescue organization called Don’t Bully Us had sent their volunteers over to the Hanleys to pick Diamond up. She was taken to a foster home which is by the lake. There’s also another puppy there for her to play with. Diamond has been renamed Serenity and has been put up for adoption.
Hanley was happy to find out that Serenity is doing well and is happy in her foster home. She is three years old (based on her paw size and teeth). Serenity is a lucky pup to have so much support and love from the community. What circumstances forced her owners to take such a step, we do not know, but thankfully Serenity is getting the love she deserves!
Clear Signs That Your Pet Is Suffering From Allergies
Has your darling pet been sniffling or itchy? It could be that they are suffering from allergies. However, since animals can’t speak, you don’t really know what is causing it the discomfort. The best thing therefore to do would be to take your pet to the vet.
Here’s a list of common allergens and how you should deal with them:
Food- If your pet has itchy skin or suffering from gastrointestinal issues; it could be an allergic reaction from what it ate. Itchy skin is also caused by environmental conditions so typically, your vet would make changes in your pet’s food limiting it to certain items for a trial period of a month. If it is a food allergy, then the moment the old food is reintroduced, the itching will recur, according to William H. Miller Jr, VMD, Professor of dermatology at Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine.
Environment- Pollens, mold spores, dust mites come under this category. Itchy skin and sometimes respiratory issues like runny eyes and sneezing in dogs and asthma-like symptoms in cats are common symptoms. If the symptoms are seasonal, it is most likely allergy. If not, chances of food allergy need to be excluded first before environmental allergy can be diagnosed. Antihistamines are typically given to tame the symptoms. However, they won’t work if the allergy worsens with seasonal changes. Immunotherapy shots or drops can provide long-term relief. Regular vacuuming, cleaning paws and giving regular baths could also keep some of the allergens at bay.
Flea bites- Fleas make dogs itchy but if it causes an allergic reaction, the misery worsens. Flea saliva makes the itchiness worse, even if there are fewer bites. If you see your dog scratch the butt area, the tail base, inner thighs and groin, your dog most likely has fleas. Other symptoms are excessive licking, chewing, hair loss and crusty or red skin. The only way to deal with it is to clear the skin of the infestation.
Three-Legged Dog Gives Soldier The Welcome He Deserves
Pets bring so much happiness and joy in our lives. The one thing that should never be underestimated is the unconditional love they shower on us. A soldier coming back from war looks forward to the love and warmth from his family, especially when he returns home. So, you can only imagine how happy this soldier must have felt when his three-legged dog came to greet him!
Chance, a golden retriever only has three legs. But that has probably increased the largeness of his heart. In a homecoming video Chance is seen waiting impatiently for his owner, a soldier at the front door. After months or perhaps years of not seeing his owner, his excitement knew no bounds.
The moment the soldier got out of his truck, Chance dashes towards him, unable to control his excitement. Chance’s joy in seeing the soldier warms the heart. It must have been an incredible experience for the soldier to receive such an amazing homecoming welcome.
A soldier experiences all kinds tough, terrible situations in a war zone. So, when returning from his deployment, all he craves for is that pure joy and love that Chance gave his owner. From Chance’s reaction, it can be easily assumed that he missed his owner terribly, and which soldier spending so many months away from home doesn’t want to know that they were missed?
The love shown by this dog is perhaps more precious to the owner than any parade for the soldier. This could easily count as one of the best homecoming welcome one could ever expect to get. This dog has melted our hearts with his love! Watch their sweet reunion for yourself below:
Share these sweet stories with your friends who love animals to make them smile today!