Billy Graham Left A Final Message About Satan For All Of America

One of the most celebrated evangelists, Billy Graham, left a message before his death. While it may seem religiously charged, this truly is a message that is universal and must be heard by Christians and Non-Christians alike.

Billy Graham wants people to be aware of the existence of the devil and have no doubts that he is real. He believes that it is the devil that has caused the evil that we see around us. To him, the devil is a powerful entity that exists to turn humanity away from God.

In one of the columns that he wrote, he reminded people that the greatest trick the devil ever played was to lure people into believing that he didn’t exist at all. However, as far as he is concerned, the existence of Satan is just as certain as is that of God. he says that the devil is not just a vague forced but is actually concrete and real, contained within a personality. The devil can make active decisions like anyone else. The force of evil is strong and has the purpose of opposing God, according to Graham.

Billy Graham cites the Bible as a proof of the existence of the devil and says that the inevitable struggle is not resistance against flesh and blood, but instead a struggle at a cosmic level of the forces of good and evil. He also wishes to remind his followers that ultimately what is most important about the devil is that is stands defeated before Chris, and hence, no one should turn away from Christ in this difficult time.

These words have been a product of his concern over the fact that new reports have shown that while Americans still religiously believe in God, the number of those who believe in Satan as drastically declined, a fact that has both shocked and deeply concerned Billy Graham.

According to the Gospel Herald, a Gallop poll reported that almost 90 per cent of Americans are still people of faith. However, the same poll shows that only about 61 per cent are believers of Satan.

While the number itself might not be that shocking, but the striking part about this poll was that when people were asked if they believe in ideas like heaven and hell, it turned out that the number had declined noticeably from 2007. This finding has come as a shock to many Christians, one of which is Billy Graham.

Billy Graham shows that there is a very easy way to tell is Satan is indeed real. He says that all a person has to do is look around him. Graham doesn’t see any other explanation for world tragedies like racism, terrorism and injustice of every other stripe. He says that the “Bible tells us, ‘was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him’ (John 8:44).”

A recurrent idea resurfaced in another article in The Kansas City Star. He believed that there were two significant things about Satan that no one must forget. The first was that Satan is an extremely powerful being who must be taken seriously, and the second thing was that he exists primarily to “derail God’s plans”. While this message might seem like a bleak one to many Non-Christians, it is a very valuable message in this time in the world. It reminds people to be wary of the evil that surrounds them.

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