Children teach us what it really means to trust someone with all their heart. The trust we have in God sometimes dwindles as we grow up. “And he said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven,” – Matthew 18:3
Managing our monthly expenses and making it until the next payday is a struggle for most of us, including a woman named Sara Moore Gruver. But while her family was on that tight budget, her children cried for ice cream one day and she tried her best to explain to her kids that they had to save money until her next payday. Her kids then sincerely prayed to God to give their mother some money. Sara explained to them, “God isn’t going to drop money on our doorstep so you two can get ice cream. He’s busy right now with natural disasters.” To this, the kids replied that God had promised them that He would be sending enough money for ice creams as well as to help the natural disaster people. What really surprised the mother was that when they got back home, she saw an envelope in the mail. “In the envelope was a check for $123. From an overpayment on a student loan that I paid off… in 2007,” Sara wrote in her Facebook post. So the kids got their ice cream and Sara was also able to donate some of the money to the Red Cross.
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