Sometimes the holiday season can add financial stress due to gifts and end of the year expenses. Many times people run up their credit cards or take out loans to make ends meet. One way some meet holiday demands without debt is by putting things on layaway. This allows them to make payments in cash until the purchase is complete. Thanks to Tyler Perry, Kid Rock, and others, many are being blessed with only a penny balance for their items.
The most recent layaway payoff was done by Kid Rock who generously gave $81,000 for layaway accounts at a Nashville Walmart store.
He was thankful to Tyler Perry who was one of the first celebrities to start the trend, paying off $430,000 in balances.
I was trying to do this anonymously but oh well!!!
— Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) December 6, 2018
Tyler shared a post on social media saying:
“I was trying to do this anonymously but oh well!!!”
“I’m just really really grateful to be able to be in a position to do this. So, God bless you. Go get your stuff.”
@tylerperry Great idea! I followed your lead and paid off the layaway at my local Walmart in Nashville. Merry Christmas and God Bless You!
— Kid Rock (@KidRock) December 7, 2018
Rock also posted on social media with his thanks to Perry and encouraged others to join in giving. The post read:
“Great idea! I followed your lead and paid off the layaway at my local Walmart in Nashville. Merry Christmas and God Bless You!”
Other unknown givers have paid off accounts in the past, but with celebrities joining in, the blessings are spreading all over the country.
It’s a wonderful thing to help others in need. These acts of kindness are incredibly sweet and make things a little easier for strangers. Whether it’s unknown people or celebrities doing the giving, the act of love is touching the hearts of many.