Your Daily Devotion From Doctor Tabor
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.
Luke 2:16
Worship the King
We often try to escape the hustle and bustle of the holiday season—the crowded shopping malls and busy stores, the obligatory office parties and professional gatherings. Even our family dinners and church programs can leave us feeling frazzled, weary, and jaded. Sometimes we long for just a quiet moment of calm serenity, time to step back from all the busyness and simply to reflect on the marvel of Jesus’ birth.
The shepherds who found the baby lying in a manger might have felt the same way. They had been busy tending their flocks by night when the heavenly host crashed through the darkness and announced news that sent them hurrying to discover the truth for themselves. Breathless, tired, excited, confused, and uncertain, they must have approached the quiet couple in the stable with trepidation. But then they saw the baby, wrapped in swaddling cloths just as the angel had told them. It was true!
The shepherds went from being frantic to bowing in worship to the newborn King. We are called to do the same during this busy time of year.
Pray: “Jesus, I want to stop all the things I’m doing today and just bow down in worship. You continue to be Immanuel, God with us.”
You can grow closer to God with my full Jesus Daily® Devotional Book at fine bookstores everywhere.
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Your Daily Trivia Answer
How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?
The bible doesn’t specify, but it’s been depicted with Mary on a donkey and Joseph walking beside her.