As God is watching over us, we should keep in mind to treat everyone equally. We should never make fun of other people just because they are different from the rest of us. To ensure that equality prevails throughout this planet, we should spread God’s teachings to everyone we know, regardless of their age. It is quite common to pray for things that may never even happen. However, as God is a great soul, he will always come through at the right time. Gwen Stefani got to experience this first hand while she was performing in West Palm Beach, Florida. When she saw someone holding a sign, she brought it on stage and read it to the audience.
The sign said, “My son was bullied from 1st to 5th grade. He would come home every day upset, but he would go to his room, listen to your music and smile.” Gwen responded, “Get up here right now!” As the young boy came on stage, she hugged him. He couldn’t hold back his tears of joy, as he finally got to meet the woman who has been helping him get through difficult times.
Once the concert was over, she posted the following on social media, along with a video of the wonderful encounter, “About 3 years ago when things were hard in my life I prayed to God everyday that I could get a chance to use my gift that God gave me and make a difference in some way in this world – last night this little guy was the answer to my prayers #zerotoleranceforbullies #onelove#thisiswhatthetruthfeelslike Gx”
Please share this inspiring story with your family and friends to make them smile today!