In September 2016, Tammy Yoney and her family originally met and became friends with a 22-year-old woman named Kiley White. The Yoneys, a warm and loving family from Spraggs, Pennsylvania, were touched right away by Kiley’s terrible story. This poor young lady was dying of cancer while attempting to raise her 4-year-old daughter.
At the time they met, Tammy’s 22-year-old daughter Morgan was also struggling for her life and was in desperate need for a double lung transplant. Knowing what it was like to fight against a devastating illness, the Yoneys took Kiley under their wing and formed a loving bond with her and her daughter.
One day, Kiley gave the Yoney family a surprising letter. She wanted to know if they would adopt her child when she inevitably lost her fight with cancer. They agreed. Tammy changed her life plans to make room for one more child. Not only was she providing care and support for her own sick daughter Morgan, but now she was just as devoted to Kiley and her child.
“As a mother, you can’t help but to help someone in the situation because she told us she didn’t have anybody,” Tammy told CBS.
But then Tammy received a horrifying phone call about Kiley, and a twisted lie unraveled. However, it would take two years — and another family that was impacted by Kiley — to resolve.