An Indiana church is bringing their church service to local prisoners and transforming their local county jail system. Church services have only been taking place in Jasper County jail for three months; however, staff and prisoners are already seeing some really beneficial changes.
“We have a quieter atmosphere,” Jasper County Sheriff Patrick Williamson told WLFI-TV. “In times past, you would hear banging, kicking, yelling, screaming, but now it’s very quiet. They get along well, they treat staff better, so we have less incidents. It just complements the other things going on in our jail.”
First Church pastor John Hill had been working with Williamson on a men’s addiction recovery house program. Once this program took off, he believed in the same jail to establish an even larger ministry program.
“Our church was really excited just to build bridges with these families, help them connect with our community, help them with employment, and just show them that we care,” Hill said.
“The miracle of that is something to behold,” said Williamson.
In a shared Facebook video, one of the inmates is shown leading worship with his fellow inmates. During worship, he sang “Amazing Grace.”
In another Facebook post, five men and four women were shown being baptized by First Church.
“I believe that Jesus is the only hope in the world,” the pastor said. “I think we live in a society that is so quick to condemn people, but Jesus was so quick to give people second chances.”