16-year-old dies in cabin on school trip: 9 months later, coroner reveals it was Toxic Shock Syndrome

Back in March of 2017, 16-year-old Sara passed away while on vacation in Vancouver, Canada.

She was with friends from school, and the majority of them woke up to head to breakfast together. However, they soon noticed that Sara wasn’t around.

When they ran back to search for her, they found Sara’s alarm buzzing non-stop, but Sara still wasn’t up out of bed.

Doctors were called in, but it appeared that it was too late: and the teenager passed away tragically.

Afterwards, no one could solve the mystery of why Sara had died. It took nine agonizing months to learn the truth from an autopsy.

Sara had been suffering from something called Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). TSS is quite rare, and it occurs as a result of a bacterial infection and can very quickly become dangerous.

According to the coroner, the bacteria responsible was found on Sara’s tampon.

TSS can be brought on through a number of different ways, such as via an unaddressed wound — or when incorrectly using a tampon.

Nine months after her heartbreaking death, Sara’s sister Carli Manitoski looked to Facebook to warn others about the dangers of tampons. Here’s what she said.


After 9 agonizing months we have finally got confirmation that my little sister passed away from Toxic Shock Syndrome or (TSS).

Women need to be more educated on this subject, some of you might not even know what TSS is. They say getting TSS is incredibly rare but I know two people that have had it, with one barely surviving and my sister who died from it.

Can it really be that rare? My sister complained of stomach cramps before going to bed and then she never woke up. My beautiful, incredibly healthy sister died because of this so please share, educate yourselves and be cautious whenever using tampons.

There is such little education on this and it needs to be brought to light. Such an unnecessary and tragic thing to happen to such an amazing young lady. I wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone else and if this post makes even one person aware and go look up and educate themselves on TSS then I am grateful.

Thank you for reading and please share”

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